Audio Recording:
"If You Believe in Creation, You Must Believe in Evolution"
So...if you believe in Creation, you MUST believe in Evolution. Because you must believe things are not as they use to be and that as the world has changed so have humans...adapted in ways, both good and bad.
And if you believe in Creation, you MUST believe in Evolution. Because I know no man today born of dust or dirt...molded or shaped as if from clay...and placed, resting, in a garden beneath a tree so peacefully. Man is born of chaos...screaming and pain. He comes forth from a woman. Taken from her belly. Cut from her cord. Drink from her breast. And if you believe in Creation, you MUST believe in Evolution because Adam, according to you, did none of these ALL men do today.
And if you believe in Creation, you MUST believe in Evolution. Because I know no woman today born borrowing a rib, or anything else, from man except sperm and if you believe in Creation, you MUST believe in Evolution because there was no speak of sperm nor that it 'came' from the pointy rib.
And if you believe in Creation, you MUST believe in Evolution. Because if you don't, then you believe in magic or aliens. Adam was 'placed' on Earth. Eve was 'placed' on Earth. Magic. Alien. And nothing remotely similar to that has REoccured since that day. No man has been 'placed'. No woman has been 'placed'. And if man have yet to "arrive" in that same fashion since that first day, a change took place...and that is Evolution.
And if you believe in Creation, you MUST believe in Evolution. Because no matter what Adam and Eve looked like to you, the rest of us do not resemble their hue. And so we traveled the world and adapted to "home", in all its many forms.
And if you believe in Creation, you MUST believe in Evolution. Because we are "returned" to the earth after our passing and the words "ashes to ashes...dust to dust..." seems odd and confusing when there is no barren sand sifting in my mother's womb. I was not made of ash nor dust. I was made of love and lust and if you believe in Creation, you MUST believe that Adam and Eve created Cain and Abel in the same manner. That is Evolution. No one taught them how to do it. And if you BELIEVE in Creation, you have to BELIEVE that Sex is Evolution for it was the original "change".
And if you believe in Creation, you MUST believe in Evolution. Because across the fields, in some other land, Cain, after murdering Abel, killing off a quarter of the world's TOTAL population, met a woman who became his wife and they, too, took part in 'change' and created more children. Or...if you believe solely in Creation, Adam and Eve had Cain and Able and the world's population was FOUR: one woman for three men, two of which were her children. And so if you SOLELY believe in Creation, you believe in incest, and that's, well, that's just nasty.
And if you believe in Creation, you MUST believe in Evolution. Because then neither Adam nor Eve were born. Cain was the first to be born, which was new. Abel was the first to die, which was also new. Birth and Death would then be Evolution.
And if you believe in Creation, you MUST believe in Evolution. Because why else would all your drawings and paintings depict Adam and Eve with belly buttons? To whom where THEY attached?
And if you believe in Creation, you MUST believe in Evolution. Because children exist. And children grow. And children change. A child IS Evolution.
If you believe in Creation, you must believe in Evolution. Because regardless of what happened on Day 1, nothing has been the same since then.
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